
There are two categories for this award, these are broken down as follow:

  • Category 1: Any animal that has served and or is serving a Australian government organisation which employ animals is support of their operational outputs, who has displayed distinguished and or exceptional service are eligible.

  • Category 2: Any civilian or private animal that has served or is serving the community, who has displayed distinguished and or exceptional service are eligible.

Nominations & Selection Process

  1. Nominations are to be submitted to the Selection Panel Secretary using Annex A to this policy and adhered to the rules of entry.
  2. Nominations for the award are to be submitted to the secretary of the selection panel by no later than the 1 November, with the recipients being announced on the 24 February (International War and Service Animal Day) for each respective year.
  3. The members of the selection panel is made up of volunteers from the general community, RSL representative, Australian Defence Force, Light Horse, service animal dog associations and animal welfare groups. The individuals have been selected for their knowledge, skills and experience to be able to impartially review and assess each application, in order to make informed and transparent recommendations. The inaugural selection panel is made up of the following individuals:
  4. The selection panel is not to exceed ten members and the tenure for each of the appointments of the selection panel is not to exceed 24 months.
    • Individuals can submit their expressions of interest to re-apply and or become a new member of the selection panel to the secretary at any time.
    • The selection panel will review each application and a minimum of seven members must endorse the application before it can be accepted.
    • The secretary will inform the individual if they have been successful and forecasted start date.
  5. The selection panel is to report all nomination, with their recommendations to the President, who is responsible for the final authority to award the nominated animal the Animal Distinguished Service Medallion.

Guidelines to Aid the Selection Panel’s Decision Making

The following guidelines are to be used by the selection panel members when reviewing an application:

  • The nominated animal’s actions and service must meet the awards condition absolutely and unconditionally.
  • The action and service has been recorded, documented and certified.
  • Detailed independent witness account to the action must be submitted, preferably with corroboration.
  • Decision should be based on the panel’s investigation and research to conclusively prove/disprove the evidence provided.
  • Undue media influence or sensationalism is to be taken into considered.

Operation of the Selection Panel 

Secretary: The secretary has the following responsibilities:

  • The convening of an annual meeting (December) of the selection panel and or when requested to do so by the President.
  • The drafting of an agenda for each meeting and distribution a minimum of 1 week in advance.
  • The drafting and distribution of minutes for each meeting to all panel member within 30 days after the meeting.
  1. Meetings: The business of the meetings may be conducted by electronic communication. Members will not be required to attend meetings in person. Decisions are to be ratified by email.
  2. Voting: Each panel member has one vote. A majority of votes is required to decide the success or rejection of the nomination. Where the vote is tied, the President will cast the deciding vote.
  3. Conflict Of Interest: Selection panel members are to identify any potential conflict of interest to the President, at the earliest opportunity. It is at the discretion of the President if they can participate in any discussion pertaining to the matter, however they will not be eligible to vote and therefore influence the final decision process.

Ownership of Animal Distinguished Service Medallion 

The Animal Distinguished Service Medallion will be issued to a specific animal and not an individual. The legal custodian of the animal being issued the award will be the guardian of the award on behalf of the animal. If the award is being issued posthumously, then it is the selection panel’s responsibility to ensure the award is presented to the most suitable person, this could include:

a.         Handler and or animal custodian.

b.         Immediate next of kin of handler and or animal custodian.

c.         Organisation; and or

d.         Respective organisations museum.

Presentation of the Animal Distinguished Service Medallion 

Wherever possible, the Animal Distinguished Service Medallion should be presented to the animal at a dignified ceremony and in accordance with the organisations policy.

Wearing of Animal Distinguished Service Medallion

The wearing of the Animal Distinguished Service Medallion on parades and ceremonies, will be in accordance with each organisations dress policy. This award can be worn either around the animal’s neck or attached to a specific parade coat.

It is to be noted that a separate pin will also be issued to the recipient’s human handler/owner.

Cost Considerations

AWAMO has funded this project, with an initial production of 50 medals. A duplicate can be purchased for display or loss at cost. This item will not be for sale to the public.


The selection panel is to undertake due diligence in processing nominations in order to ensure that any animal that satisfies the above criteria before any action for the issue of a medal is undertaken. This processing must include:

A formal application

A description of the occurrence. A medal can be initiated by an application in writing signed and submitted to the selection committee.

Guidelines for nomination include:

  1. In the case of a service animal, its handler or other service member.
  2. An independent witness to the event.
  3. Any person who can satisfy the issuing committee that they are a competent authority on the nomination of the animal in question.


Annex A



Animal Distinguished Service Medallion Nomination Form

POC Name:


Contact Details (Email)


Phone Number:


Relationship to the Nominated Animal:


Relationship to Nominated Animals POC:


Animals Name:


Animals Age:
Animals Species and Breed:


Animals Organisation (service/privately owned):


Animals Role:


Animals History:







Why is the animal being nominated?











Attached Information: Yes / No Number of Pages:

Nomination Rules

The following rules are to be adhered to concerning animals being nominated:

  1. That they can be either a companion, working, service, or therapy animal.
  2. That They must be based in Australia or New Zealand. However, the reason for the nomination can take place outside of these countries.
  3. That government owned animals require written permission from the chain of command, supporting the nomination and accepting that they agree that AWAMO may use the information for marketing to promote the charity and its work.
  4. That nomination not made by the owner will need written permission of the owner, supporting the nomination and accepting that they agree that AWAMO may use the information for marketing to promote the charity and its work.
  5. That a maximum of two supporting statements may be attached if desired.
  6. That nominations can include supporting material including media cuttings and photos of the animal.

Assessment Criteria

The following criteria will be used by the selection panel and is to be taken into consideration when nominating the animal:

1. Can the animal’s actions be attributed to:

    • The saving of a human life and or lives and or from sustaining life changing injuries?
    • The protection of Australian boarders?
    • Supporting an individual and making their life more manageable?
    • Impacted on media and or public perception?
    • Supporting other elements, in order to achieve a successful outcome?

2. All entries will be assessed on the reasons

3. Posthumous nominations will be considered.

4. The selection panel will consider the following:

  • The animals background, have they triumphed against adversity i.e. came from an animal shelter
  • The owner’s background, have they shown remarkable courage or coped with tragedy of illness.

5. Has the animal been recognised by any other organisation or awards process?

6. The emotional impact of what the animal has done.


This policy ensures the structured and transparent nomination process for the Animal Distinguished Service Medallion, reflecting the high standard of service and dedication that animals provide to society.


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